Health & Medical Research

What do we want to do?

Health professionals are often taught how to spot and treat illness based on research in adults. But young people don't always have the same symptoms or respond to the same treatment. This means that they often get misdiagnosed or ignored, suffering a reduced quality of life unnecessarily.

We want to fund research into health conditions in young people that don't get the attention they deserve!

The Importance of Pregnancy Testing in Healthcare

Yasmine tragically lost her life due to complications from an undiagnosed pregnancy. Our campaign aims to prevent such tragedies by ensuring that both patients and General Practitioners (GPs) are aware of pregnancy as a possible underlying cause of illness and take prompt action when symptoms arise.

What are the signs of DVT/venous blood clots in young people?


This foundation was created because of an undetected #pulmonaryembolism in 20yr old Yasmine . It wasn't considered as a risk until several hours into resuscitation by which point it was too late. If one of the professionals had thought of this earlier, Yasmine may have been saved. Young people's bodies are fantastic at covering up their illnesses until the last moment, meaning that they often present with other symptoms than those medical professionals are taught. Most guidelines for spotting  blood clots are written based on older patients so running tests early is generally down to the professional's high clinical suspicion. When treated early, young lives are saved. But one third of patients without a diagnosis die. Let's change that!

Signs of hypoglycemia in young people

Yasmine struggled with hypoglycemia for a long time without knowing these are the signs to look out for. Check out this image to learn about the common symptoms of hypoglycemia.

How to spot migraines in young people

Migraines can often get missed in young people because they look a little different. Here are the signs to look out for: